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1. What is a SparkBugg?

A SparkBugg is an ideator (someone who generates ideas) or an ideophile (someone who loves new ideas). For example, a sparkbugg:

2. In the blog,what are Bright Ideas and what are IdeaSparks*?

Bright Ideas are current innovations and inventions that I (or you, if you submit) come across. IdeaSparks* are my (and other readers’) original ideas. Many of the Bright Ideas will be found on the other blogs listed in the “Links” page, as well as in magazines, books, and on television. Often, Bright Ideas can lead to more IdeaSparks*, a process which will be a significant part of the conversation in here.

3. Aren’t you afraid someone will steal an IdeaSpark*?

Maybe a teeny bit.  However, I believe that most ideas are meant to be shared, because ultimately, I value more the process of generating ideas, and not necessarily the ideas themselves. Additionally, it would make more sense for someone to collaborate with you around your idea, rather than steal it. Collaboration leads to synergy and the strengthening of the idea. It can also lead to the birth and actualization of additional ideas and innovations. Stealing an idea can lead to bad karma, potentially negative public relations, and a tarnished reputation.


4. How can someone post to the blog?

You may know of a Bright Idea, or have your own IdeaSpark. Anyone can share these or add any other comment to any specific post (by clinking on any “comments” link). To add a posting, email me (sparkbugg at sparkbugg.com) if you want to have something posted, and I will be happy to consider it. I may also take something great from a comment and add it as a post. Of course, the author will always get credit.


5. What is your story?

My name is Matt, born in 74, clinical psychologist in the Washington, DC area, married, with child.  For my day job, I collaborate with my patients (in therapy) in trying to make their lives better. At night, I find myself thinking about ways to do that, but on a larger scale, with products and services.


6. What is your goal with SparkBugg.com?

I hope it will be a place where we all share our ideas, and that sharing becomes infectious and synergistic, leading to more ideas. This creative and community process will be rewarding in itself, hopefully for all involved. Even if someone just reads about ideas, and chooses not to share, that is great, too. Ideas are meant to be shared and spread, to entertain and inspire.


7. Can I ask some more questions?

Please do. Community is built with communication, so feel free to ask something via the comment section below. Alternatively, you can email me directly at (sparkbugg at sparkbugg.com).


8. Why don’t you use @ in your email address, as in sparkbugg at sparkbugg.com?

I heard that spambots search websites and capture listed email addresses. Maybe this is some web urban legend, but just in case, I am trying to prevent an onslaught of spam.


9. What is MetaBugg.com?

MetaBugg.com used to be the URL for a blog where I include information about starting and growing SparkBugg.com. It is a behind the scenes look at a newbie who is trying to get a blog up, running, and thriving.  My ownership of the domain expired, and someone snatched it up.  But you can find the blog  HERE.



1. leila - October 31, 2006

incredible! huge congrats on an awesome launch! can’t wait to check in (and some day contribute?) to your fabulous blog!

2. SparkBugg - December 1, 2006

In response to #9, my friend and neighbor Frank told me that this is called “Address Munging”

From Wikipedia:

Address munging is the obfuscation of e-mail addresses, which originated in response to the spam epidemics of the 1990s. The goal is to prevent automated e-mail address harvesting by spammers through the alteration of email addresses in a fashion that mungs them from a computer’s perspective but not a person’s.

3. baba ganoosh - February 11, 2007

wow, this is great stuff you are putting together. keep up the good work.

4. Dave - March 5, 2007

This is a great Idea. I can’t wait to learn more about this site. I started keeping a black spiral notebook of my ideas. I mention the ideas to some friends but this might be a great way to discuss with people who are just as interested.

5. SparkBugg - March 5, 2007

Dave, thanks for the comment. Would love to hear about your ideas in here, and consider posting them. Also, I found out that other sites do this really well (have lots of people dialog over their ideas). Check them out on the “Links” page. For me, the easiest to use is halfbakery.com.

6. budda freak - March 21, 2007

i saw two ideas today that i enjoyed and also made me say coulda been me…..the slanket and the butter cutter. being an avid butter watcher and also a huge fan of tv i apprecite both…great ideas.

7. Carole Baskin Founder of Big Cat Rescue - March 31, 2007

I loved your segment on YouTube showcasing The Secret on Oprah. I know it works. I was a millionaire by the age of 30 because I used The Secret, but I could never have described it to others as well as the teachers did on that DVD.

Now the teachers on the movie have a way to enable people to put The Secret to work for them and they are calling it the Science of Getting Rich. I would like to have a high resolution copy of your Oprah interview to introduce people to The Secret. I am currently hosting your YouTube version on our site, along with the first 20 minutes of the movie at BigCatRescue.org/TheSecret.htm

I would like the high res version of the great work you did just in case your movie ever moves from its current location because I think it does such a great job of letting people see the power of the movie in a short clip. I am happy to pay copy and shipping costs. You would be helping 140 lions, tigers, leopards and other exotic cats by doing this. The Science of Getting Rich program offers the best affiliate program I have ever seen and I set it up so that all of the money generated from the sales goes to the sanctuary and not to me. Thanks for all you do.

8. SparkBugg - April 5, 2007

Carole, Thanks much for your comment. Congrats on your success. Thanks for putting my clip on your site. I would be happy to get you a Hi-Res version (I think I can figure that out, since my laptop has a dvd-burner). I am in the middle of moving, so I may not get to it right away, so let’s stay in touch. -SparkBugg

9. Greg/Hurgoll - June 20, 2007

HI Ya, Liked your blog alot. So I added you to my Stumble and Del.icio.us. Hope this helps your traffic. 🙂

10. SparkBugg - June 20, 2007

Thanks, Greg (oh, generous stranger). My visits to SparkBugg are spiking these past few hours. Five times more visits have come via Stumble than directly.

Apparently, Greg simply added SparkBugg to his Stumbles, and that somehow is leading other people to my blog. Sweet! Check out Stumble Upon if you haven’t already. Much gratitude, Greg!

11. atti - November 7, 2007

hey, if i am at the right place then certainly i will get some help.
i m an engineering. student and in final year we make projects considering a new idea.

well i dont know what to do for that but i wish to make “digital dictionary” .A device like a calculator :-
1.it will both be a computer and a dictionary depending on the mode of use
2.any word in english(i guess those who r born english dont need it)could be translated in any local language
3.apart from that it will pronounce the word,proper accent,the meaning also.

well if any of you know about such a device already in the market then please inform,i can make some base for my project.

12. David Alter - November 6, 2008

I work with entrepreneurs like yourself to achieve the greatest success possible for their inventions. Feel free to contact me any time for a free consultation. Cheers!

13. LInda Horton - April 23, 2012

How do I get ahold of someone selling the Monster Pong? The number on the website is only for ordering & the customer service line says it’s no longer in service. I placed an order yesterday & need to see if it was received or not. I have no other options so I came here.

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