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66. IdeaSpark*: Drinkable Carbonated Mouthwash November 29, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Food and Drink, IdeaSpark*, Product.

I swished some seltzer water in my mouth yesterday, and it hurt so good around the gums. It felt like it was cleaning my gums and preventing canker sores from forming, but who knows. Regardless, I wonder if they can make a carbonated mouthwash that you can swallow. Similar to this product pictured (just minty water, found at PSFK), but carbonated, with natural substances to freshen your breath, like mint and baking soda or something. Once you swallow it, maybe it settles your stomach as well, somehow (with ginger and stuff).

A Google search yielded this similar patent.

65. Bright Idea: Fizzy Fruit November 29, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Food and Drink, Product.
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Simple and great idea. Simply carbonation and fruit…that’s it. The result is grapes, oranges, apples, strawberries, etc. that fizz in your mouth. These are gonna be huge, and I can’t wait to get some in my mouth. Now I just have to wait until they start selling them around here.

Check out their website at Fizzyfruit.com. Seems geared towards kids, naturally. But I am excited to adulterate mine and put some in a flute of champagne. I came across this at PSFK.




64. Mashup of the Week: Arty Fufkin’s “Praise Primal Jeans” November 28, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Audio.
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Here is the latest Mashup of the Week: Arty Fufkin‘s “Praise Primal Jeans”

Fatboy Slim (“That old pair of Jeans”) + Primal Scream (“Movin’ on up,” from one of my top 5 albums ever, Screamadelica)


If you want to open up a new window and listen to the mashup from there (so your surfing won’t interrupt the song), click here.

Go to Odeo.com for millions of free podcasts and audio files.

63. IdeaSpark*: Mini Liquor Shot Bottles November 28, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Food and Drink, IdeaSpark*.

We all know about those mini-bottles of liquor. Though they can be turned into nice little oil lamps with just string and some oil, they probably get thrown out a lot (or recycled?).

How about making some bottles in the shape of a shot glass? You can use it to shoot the drink first, then you have a free shot glass to keep. Make the removable lid a thick aluminum seal, and make the label also easily removable. A single shot glass (1.5 oz/44 mL) holds a comparable amount of liquor to a mini-bottle (this Absolut Vodka bottle is 50mL).

Read on for another thought and an existing intriguing product…


62. Bright Idea: Sippers November 26, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Food and Drink, Product.
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When I was at my in-laws this past week, I realized how much I missed my sipper. I keep one (like those pictured) bedside at night, filled with water. That way, whenever I wake, either thirsty or with a dry mouth, I can get a sip of water without lifting my head off of the pillow!

Mini IdeaSpark*: they should create a more adult-looking version.

I got mine at Target, I think. You can see them at the manufacturer’s website HERE.


61. Bright Idea: Pen with Post-it Flags November 26, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Product.
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Here is a quicky Bright Idea. I just purchased this little handy tool today: a ball-point pen with a built-in red-flag (Post-it) dispenser. Perfect for when I am reading a book and flagging cool ideas. I am usually using a pen, anyway, as I read and take notes on a larger Post-it Note (which also serves as a sticky bookmark that won’t fall out of the book).

You can find it in most retail stores; or read about it and buy it here (Amazon). There is also a highlighter version. These flags are also similar to the reusable and classier BookDarts.

60. Bright Idea: Electrolyte Tablets November 25, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Food and Drink, Product.
1 comment so far

These disolving tablets are a better alternative than Gatorade for replenishing the body’s electrolytes and nutrients: they are more portable, more cost efficient, and have less sugar, coloring, and taste.

The two main products are Zym and Nuun. Bright Ideas, though the names (for branding purposes) could’ve been a little better, IMHO. I came across this at Springwise.com.

59. Bright Idea: Military use of Silly String November 25, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in IdeaSpark*, Plaything, Product.






Here is a Bright Idea (from the latest Time magazine): the use of silly string by US military to detect trip wires (attached to mines). I would like to meet the guy who thought of this.

Read on for the actual short article…


58. Sparked Art: by Ron Mueck November 23, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Art.
1 comment so far

Bald Man1

I had the pleasure of seeing this piece by Ron Mueck at the Hirshorn Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, a few years ago. He is famous for hyper-realistic, yet fantastically-sized, sculptures of people.

I have compiled a list of images of his greatest pieces here, at an eSnips account. Awesome, and slightly disturbing.

57. IdeaSpark*: GadgetBox (Holder and Charger) November 23, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in IdeaSpark*, Product.
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Many folks have various gadgets: Cellphones, Blackberries, PDAs, MP3 players, digital cameras, etc. If you are like me, you charge your cellphone bedside, overnight as you sleep. This IdeaSpark* is to make the charging and the clutter of cords involved more simple.

Imagine something like what is pictured here. Inside is a power strip, where all the gadget adapters are plugged in. Now, each gadget can be attached to its charger, and left either on top of the box, or inside, on a shelf under the lid. This idea is pretty basic, and similar to what is already out there.

However, this SparkBugg version is mobile, to address the possibility of charging gadgets in various locations around the house. Thus, the box has a handy handle (like a toolbox), and a retractable main power cord. So…say you forgot to charge your cellphone and Ipod overnight, need to charge them this evening, but want to have the phone by your side as you watch TV in the living room? Go to the bedroom, unplug the GadgetBox’s main cord, and press the cord retractor button. Then go to the living room, pull out the cord and plug it in.

Read on for background and similar items on the market…


56. Bright Idea: Pocketmod November 22, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Product.
1 comment so far

Pocketmod: the Free Disposable Personal Organizer!

From their site: “The PocketMod is a small book with guides on each page. These guides or templates, combined with a unique folding style, enable a normal piece of paper to become the ultimate note card. It is hard to describe just how incredibly useful the PocketMod is. It’s best that you just dive in and create one.”

I came across this some time ago, but was reminded of it via Don, the Idea Guy. This Bright Idea may be more convenient than Wallet Notes (but without the tiny, nifty pen).

Try making your own, for free, at Pocketmod.com.

55. IdeaSpark*: Movie Popcorn Holder November 22, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in IdeaSpark*, Product.
1 comment so far

Just caught a movie yesterday (Casino Royale…it was better than I thought it would be) where I wondered about this next IdeaSpark*: the Popcorn Holder. This would be a simple clip that holds the bag/bucket of popcorn, and clips on to the drink holder on the arm rest. It would be designed to allow the drink holder to continue to hold your drink.

Movie popcorn is usually for sharing. This IdeaSpark* would keep the popcorn in the middle, between two people, leaving hands free. Mass production should keep manufacturing costs low. The product could also be attached permanently to the arm rest, or have some intergrated advertising on it just in case people took it home with them.

54. Bright Ideas: Staples’ Exclusive Products November 21, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Product.
1 comment so far

1. The Wordlock: The winner of the 2004 Staples Innovation Quest was the Wordlock. Simple, genius, and a classic “Why didn’t I think of that?” Pick (and change at any time) your 5-letter combination. It should be a matter of time before the number wheel locks are obsolete. $6…purchase it here.

I am surprised that Masterlock came up with their similar version. Maybe there is no patent infringement because theirs is 4-letter?


2. The One-touch Stapler with Staple Gun Power: I didn’t know how valuable this was until I bought it and used it a few times. It requires 30% of typical power to squeeze, since it staples like a staple gun (mechanical kenetic energy is stored, then released in a burst). I didn’t know the old staplers were a problem, but now they feel like they give me instant carpal-tunnel syndrome when I use them.

$15…more product details here.

Check out this great Business 2.0 article about the birth of this product.

53. IdeaSpark*: Better Dental Floss November 21, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in IdeaSpark*, Product.

If you don’t think flossing does much for you, try flossing as an experiment, then smell the floss and your finger when done. Gak.

But there is a problem with flossing: the floss needs to be smooth to intitially slide between teeth, but then the smoothness makes it less effective in cleaning around the gums.

Here is a possible solution: floss that has alternating sections that are smooth and rough. For example, a half-inch section could be smooth and waxed to ease insertion, next to an inch-long rough piece (e.g. frayed) that would clean around the gums. Use the next smooth/rough pairing for the next tooth gap.

Read on for slightly more details…


52. IdeaSpark*: Roly-Poly Game November 20, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in IdeaSpark*, Plaything, Product.
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I had this IdeaSpark* some time ago, but only recently came across this online version that demonstrates it perfectly. The online game is called Roly-Poly, and you can play it here, at Miniclips.com. The basic idea is to get your round hedgehog to the checkered goal by rotating the entire environment in each direction, and not let him fall off the platforms onto the spikes.

My IdeaSpark* is almost identical to this, but it is a mechanical version that would require manual dexterity, and the hedgehog would be your quarter (coin), instead. Imagine something like this on a wall in a bar or arcade, and you put a quarter in the top. Your goal is to get your quarter safely to the goal by rotating the vertical disk/field back and forth.

Read on for more… (more…)

51. Bright Idea: MetaWishlist.com November 20, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Service, Website.
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I figure that with the holidays coming up, a few more of you should now about this handy tool: Metawishlist.com. Add books and products from any website to a centralized wishlist. It easily imports your Amazon wishlist, and there is a convenient icon for your bookmark toolbar (to quickly add any item to your wishlist). Though the actual website could use a usability upgrade, it can be very simple to use. I am also not sure if your friend/family can remove an item from the list once they purchase it for you (as in a gift registry).

I mostly use mine to keep track of cool items I come across (and I may not want all of them as gifts, my friends). Feel free to check my metawishlist out here.

50. Bright Idea: Payphone Warriors November 19, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Experience.
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Check out this creative and novel experience: an interactive street game involving payphones in NYC.

Here is their blurb: “You and your teammates must dash across the blocks around Washington Square Park in a bid to control as many payphones as possible. You simply make a call from a payphone to the game system and enter your team number to capture a phone. For each minute your team controls that phone the team scores one point. Grab more phones for more points.”

I forget where I came across PayphoneWarriors.com (I will try to pay more attention in order to give proper credit). Read about more street games at ComeOutandPlay.org.

49. IdeaSpark*: GPS Cell Phone Games November 19, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Experience, IdeaSpark*, Service.
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Soon, many phones will be GPS enabled, which would allow for various new applications. Though Boost Mobile seems to be trying some games, here are some IdeaSpark variations of interactive games:

Read on for more details…



48. IdeaSpark*: Wall-mounted Vertical Component Cabinet November 18, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in IdeaSpark*, Product.
1 comment so far

Wall-mounting your plasma can be sexy. But then you still have the component cabinet jutting out from the wall, leaving the large obvious and unused flat-top surface that would have supported the plasma for $200 less (ie. no wall-mounting).Until they start manufacturing vertical wall-mounted dvd players, DVRs, and sound systems, this IdeaSpark* would make your entertainment wall look more uniform. It is a wall-mounted cabinet designed to hold your components vertically.

Read on for a more complete description and considerations…


47. Bright Idea: Phrase Express November 18, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Service, Website.
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I had wondered if something like this existed, and I am happy to say that I just came across Phrase Express, a way to easily paste common phrases into any text you are typing.

Read on for more information…


46. IdeaSpark*: Laundry Basket with Strap November 17, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in IdeaSpark*, Product.

Speaking of college (and anywhere else that does not have in-room washers and dryers), here is a super simple IdeaSpark* that I am surprized is not more common. Take your simple laundry basket, like the one in the picture, and add a friggin’ strap to it, to go around the neck (imagine something similar to a person selling hotdogs at a ball game). This will free up hands to open doors, press elevator buttons, carry detergent, and hold beer.

C’mon, Bed, Bath, and Beyond…this ain’t rocket science.

45. Bright Idea: Evolving Vox November 17, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Service, Website.

Evolving Vox

Since I currently work on a college campus, I have been waiting for someone to come up with this Bright Idea: renting out stuff at college. Though the name Evolving Vox is a questionable branding choice, and it is only at Dartmouth for now, this business idea has potential based on the need and market. However, I don’t know how much profit they will make renting out flat screens for $75 a year (with free delivery and removal). Regardless, it makes moving in and out every year at college a whole lot easier.

I came across this idea at Springwise.com.

…announcement…1000+ hits November 16, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Uncategorized.
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We just cracked 1000 hits! Thanks readers. Keep ’em coming.

44. IdeaSpark*: PasswordSharer.com November 15, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in IdeaSpark*, Service, Website.

There are many websites where you have to pay a monthly fee to access it, only some of which are (ahem) porn sites. There are service sites, news sites, game sites, etc.

Hosted by eSnips

This IdeaSpark* and business idea is a website where you timeshare the login and passwords to various sites that you are interested in. This service is for more casual users and test drivers (ie. not daily surfers) of these sites.

Read on for details and considerations... (more…)

43. Bright Idea: Season Shot (Ammo with flavor) November 15, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Food and Drink, Product.
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Shoot flavorful, edible buckshot into your prey. That’s right, no more removing metal shot from birds, or biting down on a tiny ball bearing. This crazy ingenious idea is not a joke. Check out the website (skip the annoying flash intro).

Even more humanitarian than free range, hunted birds live a free earth existence (until they are pumped full of seasonings and filling your belly).

This was submitted via Mark, who heard about it on “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me,” the NPR Quiz Show.

42. Bright Idea: the Gorillapod November 14, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Product.
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This sturdy and flexible tripod can attach your digital camera anywhere. This Bright Idea is perfect for anyone, especially shy narcissists and isolated newlyweds.

Read more about it and buy it here (Amazon).

I came across this sometime ago, but was recently reminded of it by KK’s CoolTools.



…announcement…Digging stories. November 14, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Uncategorized.
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Dear readers: at the end of most IdeaSparks*, you will see this icon:


If you choose to click on it, it will send you to the posting of that particular IdeaSpark* on the popular news site, Digg.com. If you choose to register on Digg (one-time only; free, quick, and easy), you can then “Digg” that IdeaSpark*, as well as any other cool stories on Digg.com. “Digging” it means you give it a thumbs up, a vote of support. If certain stories get enough Diggs, they get promoted to the front page of the site. If it doesn’t get enough Diggs, it eventually gets removed from the site.

Now I don’t have any delusions about getting to the front page, but I do hope that the occasional Digg of an IdeaSpark* will keep it alive on Digg.com a little longer, and thus, more people may see it and come check out SparkBugg.com.

I appreciate any support you are willing and able to provide.


41. IdeaSpark*: Restaurant Menus 2.0 November 14, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Food and Drink, IdeaSpark*, Service.

First off, I think all menus should have pictures of the food on it, so I know what I am getting. If there are no pictures, I usually end up taking the longest route to the bathroom so I can check out what the other folks are eating.

And, I want the average ratings for each of the dishes listed, on a scale of 1-5. These ratings will be the average score from the last 20 patrons that have tasted that particular dish. This dynamic rating technique will encourage each patron to vote (since their vote counts more), and will also adjust over time in relation to how that dish has been prepared recently (because the dish can change, depending on the cook, ingredients, consistency problems, etc).

Read on for an explanation of the execution


40. Bright Idea: the Satala Hammock Chair November 13, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in Product.
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What could be more regressively relaxing than being cradled in these labial cushions and rocking gently side-to-side? Hard to say exactly, but this Satala Hammock Chair looks like it could be up there with sensory deprivation tanks and a thai massage.

This original furniture design is by Aqua Creations.

I forget how I came across this link. My apologies.


39. IdeaSpark*: Email Capitalization November 13, 2006

Posted by Matt Fleming, PsyD in IdeaSpark*, Product, Service.
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I recently got a feedback email from someone telling me that, because of my lack of capitalization, he took my message board postings less seriously (this message board is for our condo). I admittedly do typically neglect to capitalize “i” when referring to myself, or in starting a sentence. sometimes I do, and sometimes i don’t. I realized that Microsoft Word used to do this automatically. Hence, this next IdeaSpark*: This may exist already somewhere, but I want an email program option to automatically capitalize relevant letters. not only for email, but also as i type this posting, for example.
